OTF Automatic Switchblade Knives - Make The Best Pocket Knives

OTF knives, that are also known as out the front knives, are one of the most unique types of pocket knives and best to be carried on the move for various engineering and self-defense purposes. These are unlike the traditional side opening switchblades, and the blades are deployed straight out the front as the name suggests.

Owing to their concealed nature, these knives are also the best alternative to be carried while hunting, trekking or some other outdoor activities. There are various types of out the front switchblades available for sale online. The two major categories of these knives are as follows:

Manual OTF knives: These are the most common types of knives that are easily available in the market. The blade in these are placed in the handle and use friction method to keep it in place. They come with a small button that is normally attached to the blade to pull it out. With a mild pressure of the finger, the blade can be opened.

Automatic OTF Knives: OTF automatic switchblade knives are identical to the manual tools. However, it has a button lock mechanism and spring drive that is used to release the blade. This allows us to open the blade without the need of any finger pressure. They are practical and safe to use.


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