A Scoop Into The Italian Switchblades

An Italian switchblade is referred to the one which has a long-pointed thin-bladed knife. It is also known as the Italian stiletto. It has noticeably improved over time and is now available in many forms and sizes. Here are some interesting facts about the Italian stiletto:

  • This kind of knife can be used as a throwing knife as well due to its size and form. It is not necessary for it to be a thrusting or stabbing knife, however, historical analysis suggests that it was specifically designed for this purpose. 
  • Its form is dagger-like with a needle-shaped blade that happens to be razor-sharp. The design and form of the knife allowed the wielder part of the blade to cut and slash without putting in a lot of effort. 
  • The Italian stiletto is lightweight which makes it easy to conceal and carry. 
  • It is said that the Italian stiletto was kept as a backup weapon option or a secondary weapon by the knights during the Medieval Ages. Their primary weapons were the swords and Italian stiletto was the secondary weapon because it could pierce through the armours of the knights as well. 
  • The thin and narrow frank beltrame blades of the Italian stiletto were able to slash through the gaps of the armor suit and puncture the vital organs of the enemy. 
  • The use of this knife continued until the early 1950s where they were wielded by the gangsters. 

The real Italian switchblades available online provide a wide range of variety to choose from!


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