A Beginner’s Guide to Buying Switchblade Knives Online

Switchblade knives have been around since the mid-19th century, and ever since, they have been known for their versatility, speed, certain levels of toughness, durability, and grit. What renders these knives their character, apart from their versatility and toughness, is the ergonomic frame with a sleek and petite design that you can almost but carry this bad boy in your wallet.

Today, there’s a plethora of options available when it comes to buying switchblade knives. They are essentially split between single-action and double-action mechanisms; that is to say, both instantly deploy the blades but retracting it might require manual handling, in the case of a single-action knife. Double action knives have a complex deploy mechanism which makes them slightly pricier than their manual counterparts. 

If you are looking to book online switchblades, here’s your guide to help you pick your choice.  

Consider the Size and the Blade Steel Type

If you are trying to find the switchblade knives online, one of the most crucial considerations to pay attention to is the size as the state laws might determine the length of the blade you carry. You can keep a knife that is up to 5inches if you are concerned about your safety.

Considering the steel type is also very important as your knife is only as good as its blade. If you want to buy an automatic knife for long-term use then study about the materials and steel used in making knives. A good quality knife will have higher edge retention, resist corrosion and make re-sharpening smooth.

Read About Federal Switchblade Act ban the transport of the knife

It is essential to read about the interstate transportation and commercially selling policy of these automatic knives. The Federal Switchblade Act does not prohibit crossing state lines with an automatic knife and does not prohibit traveling by air in your checked baggage.

Know if it’s Legal to Ship Switchblade Knives Through Mail

It is imperative to know that shipping these knives is illegal in the US. Post office as the federal law prohibits the shipment of injurious or harmful objects. So make sure to ship your automatic knives via FedEx or UPS and pay extra attention to the Federal Laws regarding their shipment. A failure to comply with these laws might have serious consequences such as fines or even imprisonment.

If you are looking to make a practical investment for the sake of your safety and other everyday uses, you can order switchblades. Check out My Switch Blade’s store to purchase a switchblade knife that is best suited for your needs


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