Learn About the Useful Features and Advantages of OTF Switchblade Knives

OTF or out-the-front knives knives are simply switchblades that deploy the blade straight into the forward direction, instead of deploying it from the side. The benefit with that is that when you are in a confined space, a side might get trapped, which is not the case with an OTF knife. The best example that we think of for that would be a paratrooper. It can be used to cut out a tangled shroud line from his or her parachute while the person is still on a descending motion. Fascinated with OTFs and you are in interested to purchase OTF out the front switchblades? Keep reading to learn more on that!

The OTFs can be categorized into 3 types, which you can also purchase from the market. These are single, dual and manual action knives. As for the single-action OTFs, they make use of a spring mechanism for opening the blade. For the double-action OTFs, they use a spring mechanism to both open, as well as close the blade. The manual OTFs come with no spring mechanism, and as you can probably tell, you need to use your hands (manually) to use the sliding button for both openings and closing the blade. There is another type is OTF, which is not exactly a category per se. It is the gravity knife. The best example is for this is the German Paratrooper Knife (Fallschirmjager-Messer).

There is a myth that surrounds the use of OTF knives. It is that they can be placed against someone and opened, which can pierce the unwitting victim. The truth is that the spring is too weak for that to accomplish. It only propels the blade to about one-fourth of the way to opening. Inertia will take care of the rest. Yes, the person may get slightly poked, but that is happen with every piece of knife or sharp object in general. For the switchblade to work in the best way, the blade needs to be opened all the way, and then closed for the knife to be used again. OTFs were never made to be used as fighting knives, instead the purpose has always been doing every tasks.


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